More info on Student Initiative Grants

What is a Student Initiative Grant?

These grants allow students to plan and deliver a project that benefits other students in their academic cohort or the wider student community.

You can apply for the SIG as an individual or a group for up to $1,000.

This grant funding comes directly from the Student Services and Amenities Fee (SSAF).

Eligibility criteria

SSAF legislation dictates that any SSAF funded activity must contribute to the student experience.
The planned event or initiative must be in the future, grants will not be given retrospectively.

Grants will not be given to events or initiatives used to promote explicitly or by their very nature, imply racist, sexist, homophobic or militaristic points of view.

You must be a current University of Melbourne student.

Students must display the UMSU logo at the event or in advertising to be eligible for the grant.

What is the application process?

When you have completed your application form, the General Secretary of UMSU will put it on the next agenda of Students’ Council – who are the governing body of the organisation. They will assess your application and approve or reject it. These meetings of Students’ Council occur regularly in semester.

The General Secretary will write back to you on the outcome of your application. If you are successful, the grant money will be sent to your nominated bank account.

After your initiative or event is held, you must submit a report to Council detailing the benefits to students.

Reporting Procedure

After your event is held, you will have two weeks to send a report to Students’ Council. This report will details the event’s benefit to students, UMSU’s sponsorship and the future of the program.
If a report is not submitted, Students’ Council may ask for the money to be given back in full.