Judy's Punch

UMSU Women's 2025 will no longer publish Judy's Punch, however we encourage to look into the older ones:)


Judy’s Punch is the annual UMSU Women’s Department publication, first produced in 1986. It is a magazine made by and for women and non-binary students from the University of Melbourne.

The theme for the 2023 Edition of Judy’s Punch is "End of the World Survival Guide".

More information on how to apply to be an editor, sub-editor, illustrator and how to submit pieces for our 2023 edition will be available soon! If you'd like to register your interest early, please feel free to email womens@union.unimelb.edu.au

Social Media 

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/jpunch/

Instagram: @judyspunch

Join Judy's Punch Collective Group, here 

Past Editions

Want to have a look at editions from the last few years? There may be some hard copies left in the Women’s Room, and you can view them online here: