General Meetings


2024 Meetings

SGM 2024

A Special General Meeting (SGM) of UMSU will be held on Tuesday 1 October 2024 at 12.30pm in Amphitheatre, The University of Melbourne, to consider a Special Resolution to amend the UMSU Constitution. 

The Constitution provides the governing framework for UMSU. It needs to be regularly updated to ensure that it remains relevant and compliant with changes to legislation and best-practice, and to reflect changing needs of the organisation.

As a membership organisation and your union, we encourage you to attend and cast your vote.

Importantly, the proposed changes introduce a new robust, person-centred, and trauma-informed Complaints Framework which protects the integrity of democratically elected positions, while maintaining a safe workplace and complying with legislative duties.

All proposed changes are detailed in the attached briefing papers and Constitution with tracked changes. The proposed Discipline Regulations are also provided to support the proposed Constitutional changes.

Students are encouraged to review the following documents:

If you have questions, feedback or would generally like to discuss any of the agenda items in the SGM – please contact the General Secretary

You must be a member to participate in the SGM. Not a member? Join now.

🎟️  Tickets available here



AGM 2024
An Annual General Meeting (AGM) of UMSU was held on Tuesday 14th of May, 2024 at 12:30pm in Amphitheatre, The University of Melbourne, in accordance with the requirements of the Associations Incorporation Reform Act 2012.
Students are encouraged to review the following documents:

You must be a member to participate in the AGM. Not a member? Join now.

If you have questions, feedback or would generally like to discuss any of the agenda items in either the AGM or SGM – please contact the General Secretary

UMSU Annual General Meeting 2024 unconfirmed minutes

2023 Meetings

AGM 2023

An Annual General Meeting (AGM) of UMSU was held on Tuesday 2 May, 2023 at 12:10pm in Amphitheatre, The University of Melbourne, in accordance with the requirements of the Associations Incorporation Reform Act 2012.



2022 Meetings

AGM 2022

An Annual General Meeting (AGM) of UMSU was held on Tuesday 17 May, 2022 at 12:40pm in North Court, The University of Melbourne, in accordance with the requirements of the Associations Incorporation Reform Act 2012.

UMSU is holding this AGM so that students can also attend remotely. To participate remotely, please ensure you log in with your UniMelb Zoom account ONLY. Other accounts will not be given access to the AGM. Find out more about how to attend here.

Students are encouraged to review the following documents:

You must be a member to participate in the AGM. Not a member? Join now.

If you have questions, feedback or would generally like to discuss any of the agenda items in either the AGM or SGM – please contact the General Secretary.

2022 AGM Minutes - Unconfirmed

SGM 2022

A Special General Meeting (SGM) of UMSU was held on Tuesday 17 May, 2022 at 12:50pm in North Court, The University of Melbourne, to consider a Special Resolution to amend the UMSU Constitution. 

Changes to be considered at the SGM include:

  • Amendment to ensure the oversight of the Chief Executive Officer role at UMSU is Constitutionally enshrined;
  • Amendment of Clause 6.5(a) of the Constitution for clarity and accuracy.

UMSU is holding this SGM so that students can also attend remotely. To participate remotely, please ensure you log in with your UniMelb Zoom account ONLY. Other accounts will not be given access to the SGM.

Students are encouraged to review the following documents:

If you have questions, feedback or would generally like to discuss any of the agenda items in either the AGM or SGM – please contact the General Secretary

You must be a member to participate in the SGM. Not a member? Join now.

2022 SGM Minutes - Unconfirmed 

2021 Meetings


A Special General Meeting (SGM) of UMSU was held on Thursday 27 May, 2021 at 12pm, to consider a Special Resolution to amend the UMSU Constitution. That all proposed amendments to the Constitution, as endorsed by Students’ Council, be adopted in their entirety.

Changes to be considered at the SGM include:

  • increased representation for Southbank students in UMSU
  • recognition of UMSU International as an autonomous body
  • allowing UMSU elections to be conducted online

UMSU is holding this SGM so that students can attend remotely. To participate remotely, please ensure you log in with your UniMelb Zoom account ONLY. Other accounts will not be given access to the SGM.

Students are encouraged to review the following documents:


2019 Meetings


A Special General Meeting of UMSU was held on Tuesday, the 17th of September, 2019 at 12:30pm in North Court, The University of Melbourne.

UMSU’s Annual General Meeting was held on Tuesday, the 30th of April, 2019 at 12:50pm in North Court, The University of Melbourne.