Creative Arts Committee

The aims and objectives of the Arts Department include:

(a)    to facilitate and create an environment that fosters and actively supports the exploration of the arts by Students;
(b)    to involve Students as active participants and/or audiences in all Arts Department sponsored and/or initiated projects; and
(c)    to encourage Student involvement in and access to the arts beyond the confines of the University courses.

Current Membership

The Creative Arts Committee consists of the Creative Arts Officers as non-voting members and 7 voting members. The current members and the tickets they were elected on (if any) are:

Creative Arts Officers

Shravya Akkapeddi and Jiajie Zheng (Community for UMSU)

Voting Members
Allen Xavier Jacob Community for UMSU
Krish Jain Community for UMSU
Jessica Tran Stand Up!
Zijun Zhou Community for UMSU
Bhavya Nikita Reddi Community for UMSU
Micheal Campbell Stand Up!
Saloni Walia Community for UMSU



2024 Minutes


2022 Minutes