Clubs and Societies Committee

Semester 1 2025 Meeting Schedule

Semester 1 Meeting Schedule will be published once University timetable's release in late January.

Clubs and Societies Aims

The aims and objectives of the Clubs & Societies Department include:

(a)    to assist in offering Students a vibrant university experience through the formation of clubs and societies;
(b)    to oversee the registration and affiliation of clubs and societies to enable Students to access facilities, funding, grants and subsidies; and
(c)    to encourage the active involvement of Students in clubs & societies.

Current Membership

The Clubs & Societies Committee consists of the Clubs & Societies Officers as non-voting members and 7 voting members. Members of the C&S Committee are elected by affiliated club representatives at an annual meeting of the Clubs Council, separate to the general UMSU elections. The current members of the committee are:

2025 Clubs & Societies Officers 

Esther Luk and Ewan Bezzobs

Voting Members 
  • Oli Nassau (Arts Students Society)
  • Tarish Kadam (Language Exchange Club)
  • Darcy Williams (Birdwatching Society) 
  • Doris Wang (Women in Commerce and Politics)
  • Lenah Ankliss (Emerging Markets Network)
  • Krithi Babu (Postgraduate Environment Network)
  • Alex Gwynn (Swifties Society)

2025 Minutes

2024 Minutes

2024 Clubs' Council Minutes

2023 Minutes

2023 Clubs' Council Minutes

2022 Minutes 

2021 Minutes

2020 Minutes

2019 Minutes